Machine Mounting


Machine Mounting Products

Established in 1935 as a subsidiary of The Felters Company, UNISORB is the leading specialist in engineering and manufacturing products and systems to ensure proper machinery installation.

UNISORB’s growth can be attributed to the development of machinery installation systems to solve problems in specific applications. Experience has shown that no one product or system is “best” for all applications under all conditions. Installation related factors (e.g., installation and leveling time) and the extent of vibration, shock, deflections and noise to be corrected in the operation environment, must be considered in each application.

UNISORB® has the only engineering staff devoted exclusively to the design and implementation of complete machinery installation systems. From concept to final installation, UNISORB®’s experienced staff of designers, application engineers and field engineers, assure you of optimum performance of your mounted equipment. Call us for a free catalog.


Unisorb Mounts

Manufacturer Supply Company carries a full line of Unisorb machine mounts, mounting pads, V-1 Grout, and V-100 Epoxy Grout, Capsule Anchor Systems, Vector Bolts, Isolation Block Materials and Engineered Inertia Bock Applications. Contact one of our expert sales associates for more details.